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Dorothy Anderson collection on missionary work in Tanzania

Identifier: MSS 196

Scope and Contents

This collection is made up of writings by Dorothy Anderson or people she likely knew as well as texts or books that she owned and may have used during her missionary work. The writings in the collection are few, and they are made up of a research paper by Dorothy Anderson on Tanzania, an article describing Tanzania's independence, and a report by S. Hjalmar Swanson on "orphaned" German Lutheran missions in Tanzania. The texts part of this collection center entirely around missionary work and often more specifically missionary work in Southern Africa. These texts range from books on daily devotions, dictionaries for Swahili, catechisms, hymnbooks, reports on missionary efforts in Southern Africa, and missionary accounts of work in Southern Africa. Danielson, Elmer R. Forty Years with Christ in Tanzania 1928-1968. New York: Lutheran Church in America, 1977. Reverend Hammarsten, F. Daily Meditations. Rock Island: Augustana Book Concern, 1911. Inter-Territorial Language Committee and Frederick Johnson. A Standard Swahili-English Dictionary. London: Oxford University Press, 1939. Johnson, Eugene Victor. Pioneering for Christ in East Africa. Rock Island: Augustana Book Concern, 1948. Anderson, George N. Iramaba Exercises. Singida: Augustana Lutheran Mission, 1956. Ashton, E.O. Swahili Grammar (Including Intonation). London: Longmans Green and Company, 1947. Biblia. London: The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1952. ugustana Missions 1957. Edited by Rudolph C. Burke and Thomas W. Wersell. Minneapolis: The Boards of American and World Missions Augustana Lutheran Church, 1957. Burke, Rudolph C. Uncommitted Continent. Rock Island: Augustana Book Concern, 1959. Reverend Chambers, G.A. Tanganyika’s New Day. London: Church Missionary Society, 1931. Kalenda 1956. Lutheran Church of Tanganyika, 1956. Katekisimo. Singida: Augustana Lutheran Mission, 1948. Mimbo Ma Ki Kristo. Central Province: Augustana Lutheran Mission, 1938. Nelson, Ruth Youngdahl. God’s Song in my Heart. Rock Island: Augustana Book Concern, 1958. Nystedt, Olle. At Dawn of Day: A Thought for Each Day of the Church Year. Rock Island: Augustana Book Concern, 1955. Nystrom, Daniel. Home Altar Treasures. Rock Island: Augustana Press, 1960. Olson, Howard S. Lead Us Lord. Augsburg Publishing House, 1977. Swanson, S. Hjalmar. Touring Tanganyika. Rock Island: Augustana Book Concern, 1948. Wendell, C.A. Getting Married. Rock Island: Augustana Book Concern, 1941. Dr. Luther, Martin. Katekisimo. Association of Lutheran Churches of East Africa. Rev. Knight, G.H. The Master’s Questions to His Disciples. Rock Island: Augustana Book Concern, 1937. The Lutheran World Federation and Department of World Mission. Marangu: A Record of the All-Africa Lutheran Conference. Geneva: 1956. Rev. Lundholm, Algot Theodore. Women of the Bible: Volume I Old Testament. Rock Island: Augustana Book Concern, 1923. Magney, H.S. Tales from Africa by “Bert.” Chicago: Woman’s Missionary Society. Geremi. Ikuryo na Membo. Central Province Tanganyika: Augustana Lutheran Mission, 1951. Kiniramba. Membo ma Kiklisito. Singida: Augustana Lutheran Mission, 1954. Miller, S.M. Life in His Name. Rock Island: Augustana Book Concern, 1928. Yoana [The Gospel of John]. London: The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1945.


  • Creation: 1911-1977 and undated


Language of Materials

Entglish and Swahili

Conditions Governing Access

This is an unprocessed collection. A detailed description of its contents is currently unavailable. For information about accessing this collection, please contact Special Collections well in advance of any planned research visit. Be advised that preparing unprocessed collections for research may take up to six months.

Conditions Governing Access

There are no restirictions on the use of this collection.

Conditions Governing Use

Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote, or reporduce must be secured from Augustana College Special Collections and the copyright holder.

Historical Note

Dorothy Anderson was a student at Augustana College over the course of the 1940s and potentially 1950s. She seems to have taken certain Freshman courses at Augustana in 1946; however, it also seems she had done missionary work with Augustana throughout the 1940s as well as into the 1950s. Due to her missionary work, it appears her attendance as a student at Augustana may have been spread out over a number of years. Based on the collection, her missionary work focused soley on Tanzania from the beginning of the 1940s through the late 1950s. This collection is the result of that missionary work, as it is made up of texts and writings that either pertained to her experiences in Tanzania or aided in her missionary work among Tanzanians.


0.8 Cubic Feet (/ 2 boxes)


Dorothy Anderson was a missionary who worked in Tanzania between the 1940s and 1950s. It is unknown when she was born; however, she was a student at Augustana College over the course of the 1940s and potentially 1950s. Based on the collection, her missionary work focused soley on Tanzania from the beginning of the 1940s through the late 1950s. This collection is the result of that missionary work, as it is made up of texts and writings that either pertained to her experiences in Tanzania or aided in her missionary work among Tanzanians.


Original order has been maintained.

Custodial History

Little is known about the provenance of this collection. The materials in this collection were possible donated to the Augustana Historical Society sometime prior to 2000, but there is no associated documentation, other than notes written on the box in which the books were stored.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Immediate source of acquisition unknown.

Related Materials

MSS 247 Augustana Foreign Missionary Society records

Processing Information

Processed by Jakob Weiss, March 2020.

Dorothy Anderson collection on missionary work in Tanzania, 1911-1977 and undated.
Jakob Weiss
March 2020
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
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Repository Details

Part of the Augustana College Special Collections Repository

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Thomas Tredway Library
Rock Island Illinois 61201 United States