Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 421
Jeff Abernathy papers
Adelphic Society records
The Adelphic Society was the younger of the two literary societies that flourished on the Augustana College campus during the early decades of its existence. The Adelphic Society was organized by the students in the fall of 1882, its first meeting taking place 14 October 1882. The Adelphic Society records, 1882-1929 and undated, contains organizational papers, financial records, publications, and other papers.
African Student Association records
Esther Andreen Albrecht papers and printing plates
Andrew J. Alford papers
Andrew J. Alford immigrated to the United States from Sweden in 1867, settling in Kankakee County, Illinois. Andrew J. Alford papers, 1855-1895 and undated, contains correspondence between members of Alford's family, title certificates and receipts, insurance policy receipts, Alford's naturalization certificate, and other papers.
Frank Almquist papers
Alpha Delta Journalistic Fraternity, Illinois Alpha Chapter records
Alpha Lambda Delta records
Alpha Phi Omega "Ugly Man on Campus" event programs
Alpha Phi Omega (APO) is a national co-ed service fraternity. Since the early 1970s, the Augustana College chapter, Lambda Rho, has sponsored the Ugly Man On Campus (UMOC) auction and talent show to raise money for charity. This collection contains programs from Ugly Man on Campus events, 1970-2007.
Alpha Psi Omega, Alpha Omega chapter records
Alpha Omega is Augustana College's local chapter of the National Theatre Honor Society, Alpha Psi Omega. The Alpha Psi Omega, Alpha Omega chapter records consists of three folders of treasurer's records, 2001-2018 and miscellaneous records from the 2017-2018 academic year.