Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 422
Peggy Anderson papers
Peggy Anderson was a graduate of Augustana College, journalist, and best-selling author. She is known for her book, Nurse, which chronicles the working life of a nurse in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Peggy Anderson papers contains one manuscript draft of “In These Hands,” one plaque, 48 5 ¼” floppy disks (primarily containing chapter drafts of an unidentified manuscript labeled “Dad” and computer backups), and seven published books (added to Alumni collection).
Richard Anderson papers
Gustav Andreen and family papers
Anniversaries and celebrations collection
Asian Student Organization records
Association of Lutheran College Faculties records
Astronomy notebook
The astronomy notebook, circa 1880s, contains definitions of astronomical and other scientific terminology, mathematical equations, longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates, drawings, figures, triangulations, word problems, and other notes, presumably produced in an astronomy class at Augustana College. Nothing is known about its provenance.