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Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 422

Augustana College Faculty Research Committee records

Identifier: MSS 68

The Augustana College Faculty Research Committee was established to review faculty research requests and award faculty members grants to complete independent research. Materials in this collection include proposals, spreadsheets with financial information, financial records, correspondence, evaluation forms, reports, and research grants.

Dates: circa 1985-2008

Augustana College Food Services menus

Identifier: MSS 187

Augustana College Food Services was in charge of providing food for the Augustana College campus community, including the dining halls, catering, and information snack locations. This collection consists of a decade of food services menus.

Dates: 1980-1989

Augustana College Friendship Fair collection

Identifier: MSS 182

The Friendship Fair had its origins in World War II, with the first official Friendship Fair being held in 1949. The annual carnival-style festival raised money to bring international students to Augustana and to send an Augustana student abroad for a year. The Augustana College Friendship Fair collection, 1953-1998 (bulk 1953-1976), contains publicity materials, publications, news clippings, scrapbooks, and memorabilia related to the annual Friendship Fair.

Dates: 1953-1998; Majority of material found within 1953-1976

Collection on Augustana College graduate programs

Identifier: MSS 177

For many years, Augustana College offered post-graduate education and masters degrees. This program ended in the 1980s because Dr. Thomas Tredway decided that the college’s resources would be better focused on educating undergraduate students. This collection consists of programs and Graduate Council meeting minutes.

Dates: circa 1969-1985

Augustana College Homecoming collection

Identifier: MSS 184
Abstract Augustana College began celebrating homecoming in the early 20th Century. This celebration often involves a theme and a week of activities, leading up to the Homecoming football game. Historically, two students are elected as Vi-King and Vi-Queen and are assisted by a Homecoming court. Some events included, parades, pep rallies, concerts, talent shows, contests, walk/runs, and events for alumni. Materials in this collection include buttons, programs, tickets, schedules, newspaper clippings,...
Dates: 1920-2014

Augustana College Humanities Division records

Identifier: MSS 263

The Augustana College humanities division consists of the departments of history, philosophy, and religion. This collection consists of meeting minutes, advertisements, correspondence, invitations, news clippings, photocopies of poems, miscellaneous notes, schedules, and articles.

Dates: circa 1944-1985

Augustana College Information Technology Services newsletters

Identifier: MSS 171

During the late 1990s and early 2000s the ITS department began departmental newsletters intended for use by students and staff. Shawn Beattie of the ITS department created several publications focusing on student computer help and featuring ITS services offered. Several of the newsletters including “Educational Technology,” “TECHknowledge,” “BiblioTECH,” and the 2011 publications of “Tech Tip Tuesdays” can be found in this collection.

Dates: circa 1998-2011

Augustana College Inter-Fraternity Council records

Identifier: MSS 56
Abstract The Inter-Fraternity Council at Augustana College was founded in the fall of 1929. The object of the group, as set forth by its constitution and outlined in the 1931 Rockety-I yearbook, was " decide upon any and all matters pertaining to fraternity rushing, pledging and general acts of conduct, at all times keeping in mind the rules and regulations of the administration." At the time of its founding, the Council consisted of three officers, a President, Vice President, and...
Dates: 1970-1981

Augustana College Jazz Festival records

Identifier: MSS 380

The Augustana College Jazz Festival ran from 1972 to 1995 and offered Quad City Area high school jazz bands and musicians the opportunity to perform on the college stage. The Augustana College Jazz Festival records primarily contain binders of photographs of the various jazz bands that participated in the festival from 1986-1995. Also included is a folder of enclosures, 1990-1994 and undated, which were removed from the binders.

Dates: 1986-1995 and undated

Ann Boaden collection of Augustana College Magazine records

Identifier: MSS 201

The Augustana College Magazine is the alumni magazine of Augustana College. It began in 1907 as the Augustana Bulletin, and became the Augustana College Magazine in 1979. The magazine has been published monthly, quarterly, and biannually. The collection contains materials from Ann Boaden’s tenure as editor of the magazine, including correspondence, story manuscripts, newspaper clippings, photographs, interviews, and subject files.

Dates: 1981-1996

Filter Results

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Augustana College and Theological Seminary (Rock Island, Ill.) -- Students 66
College students -- Societies, etc. 62
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.) -- Students 61
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.) -- Faculty 51
College students -- Social life and customs 30
Women college students -- Illinois 30
Swedish Americans 29
Augustana College and Theological Seminary (Rock Island, Ill.) -- Alumni and alumnae 28
Women -- Societies and clubs 27
College students -- Illinois -- History -- 20th century 26
Augustana College and Theological Seminary (Rock Island, Ill.) -- Faculty 23
Greek letter societies 22
Sweden -- Emigration and immigration 21
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.) -- Societies, etc. 19
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.) -- Administration 16
Music in universities and colleges -- Illinois -- Rock Island 16
Music -- Instruction and study 13
Scrapbooks 12
Swedish American Lutherans 12
College students -- Recreation 11
Universities and colleges -- United States -- Religion 11
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.) -- History 10
Families -- Illinois -- Rock Island County 10
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 10
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.) -- Alumni and alumnae 9
Choral societies -- Illinois -- Rock Island 9
Education, Higher -- Religious aspects 9
Geology -- Study and teaching 9
Rock Island (Ill.) -- History 9
Student notes 9
Universities and colleges -- Illinois 9
World War, 1939-1945 9
Moline (Ill.) -- History 8
Science -- Study and teaching 8
World War, 1914-1918 8
Athletics 7
Campus planning -- Illinois 7
College sports -- Illinois -- Rock Island 7
College students, Black 7
Educational fund raising 7
Fund raising -- Illinois -- History -- 20th century 7
Rock Island County (Ill.) -- History 7
Universities and colleges -- History 7
College campuses -- Illinois 6
German Americans -- History 6
Music -- Societies, etc. 6
Quad Cities (Ill. and Iowa) 6
Sheet music 6
Women -- Diaries 6
Art -- Study and teaching 5
College students -- Illinois -- History -- 19th century 5
Diaries -- Women authors 5
Europe -- Description and travel 5
Germany -- Emigration and immigration 5
Hiking 5
Musicians 5
Research notes 5
Rock Island (Ill.) -- Genealogy 5
Sweden -- Kings and rulers 5
Swedish language -- Study and teaching 5
Universities and colleges -- Illinois -- Administration 5
Academic librarians -- Illinois 4
African American student movements -- Illinois 4
Church history -- Historiography 4
Debates and debating 4
Education, Higher -- Illinois -- History 4
Feminism -- United States 4
Fox Indians 4
Gender and society 4
Geologists -- United States 4
Grand Teton National Park (Wyo.) 4
Historic sites -- Illinois -- Rock Island 4
Intramural sports -- Illinois -- Rock Island 4
Oral history 4
Racism 4
Rock Island (Ill.) 4
Rock Island County (Ill.) -- Genealogy 4
Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa 4
Sauk Indians 4
Theater -- Illinois -- Rock Island 4
Theater -- Production and direction 4
Universities and colleges -- Illinois -- Finance 4
Antisemitism 3
Art -- Exhibitions 3
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.) -- Anniversaries, etc. 3
Augustana College and Theological Seminary (Rock Island, Ill.) -- Basketball 3
Augustana College and Theological Seminary (Rock Island, Ill.) -- Societies, etc. 3
Autograph albums 3
Baseball 3
Black Hawk War, 1832 3
Building 3
Church work with students 3
College musicals 3
College sports for women -- Illinois -- Rock Island 3
College student orientation -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. 3
Colorado -- Description and travel 3
Davenport (Iowa) -- History 3
Dry-goods -- Accounting 3
Farm life 3
Floods -- Iowa -- Davenport -- 1960-1970 3
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.) 15
Andreen, Gustav Albert, 1864-1940 8
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 8
Fryxell, Fritiof, 1900-1986 8
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Choir 7
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Black Student Union 6
Black Hawk Hiking Club 6
Bergendoff, Conrad John Immanuel (1895-1997) 5
Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod of North America 5
Hauberg, John H. (John Henry), 1869-1955 5
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Alumni Association 4
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Thomas Tredway Library 4
Augustana Historical Society 4
Boaden, Ann 4
Brodahl, Betsey 4
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 4
Paulson, Ross Evans 4
Veld, Henry 4
Anderson, Richard C. (Richard Charles), 1930-2009 3
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Band 3
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Department of History 3
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Latinx Unidos 3
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Women's Athletic Association 3
Bahls, Steven C. 3
Black Hawk, Sauk chief, 1767-1838 3
Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railroad Company (1866-1880) 3
Davenport, George, 1783-1845 3
Denkmann, Anna Catherine Bloedel 3
Denkmann, Frederick Carl August 3
Esbjörn family 3
Esbjörn, L.P. (Lars Paul), 1808-1870 3
Farnham, Russell, 1784-1823 3
Fryxell, Roald, 1934-1974 3
Handel Oratorio Society 3
Hasselquist, T.N. (Tufve Nilsson), 1816-1891 3
National Organization for Women. Quad Cities Chapter 3
Olsson, Olof, 1841-1900 3
Page, Fay Hauberg 3
Peterson, Melbert 3
Phi Rho (Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.)) 3
Pi Upsilon Gamma (Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.)) 3
Sigma Kappa Tau (Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.)) 3
Sorensen, C.W. (Clarence Woodrow), 1907-1982 3
Tredway, John Thomas, 1935- 3
Albrecht, Esther Andreen, 1896-2001 2
Allied Powers (1919-) 2
Alpha Phi Omega. Lambda Rho Chapter (Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.)) 2
Alpha Psi Omega. Alpha Omega chapter (Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.)) 2
Anderson, Netta C. Bartholomew, 1873-1960 2
Augustana Book Concern (Rock Island, Ill. : 1903-1962) 2
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Asian Student Organization 2
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Augustana Writers' Club 2
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Department of Art 2
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Department of Theatre 2
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Department of Women's and Gender Studies 2
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Office of Advancement 2
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Office of Alumni Relations 2
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Roosevelt Outing Club 2
Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.). Student Government Association 2
Augustana College and Theological Seminary (Rock Island, Ill.). Augustana Male Quartet 2
Augustana College and Theological Seminary (Rock Island, Ill.). Business College 2
Augustana College and Theological Seminary (Rock Island, Ill.). Conservatory of Music 2
Augustana College and Theological Seminary (Rock Island, Ill.). Runic Honor Society 2
Augustana College and Theological Seminary (Rock Island, Ill.). Wennerberg Chorus 2
Bartholomew family 2
Bartholomew, E.F. (Edward Fry), 1846-1946 2
Beta Omega Sigma (Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.)) 2
Cervin & Horn Architects (Firm) 2
College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin 2
Denkmann family 2
Esbjörn, Constantin Magnus, 1858-1911 2
Forsyth, Thomas, 1771-1833 2
Foss, C.W. (Claude William), 1855-1935 2
Glynn, Herbert L. 2
Hasselquist, Eva Helena Cervin 2
Hasselquist, Hanna 2
Hauberg family 2
Hauberg, Anna Margaret Frels 2
Hauberg, John H. (John Henry), 1916-2002 2
Hauberg, Marx D., b. 1837 2
Hauberg, Susanne Christine Denkmann, 1872-1942 2
Jackson, Tom 2
Jones, L.E. 2
Kappa Epsilon Nu (Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.)) 2
Keokuk, Sauk chief, 1780?-1848 2
Kilbourn, Edward 2
Nystul, Ingeborg, 1880-1972 2
Phi Beta Kappa. Zeta of Illinois Chapter (Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.)) 2
Phi Omega Phi (Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.)) 2
Quad City Symphony 2
Rho Nu Delta (Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.)) 2
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 2
Sigma Pi Delta (Augustana College (Rock Island, Ill.)) 2
Stahl, Dick 2
Stahl, Helen 2
Sweeney, Catherine Denkmann Hauberg, 1914-1995 2
Udden, Johan August, 1859-1932 2
United States Food Administration 2
United States. Naval Reserve 2
United States. War Production Board 2