Showing Collections: 71 - 80 of 422
Augustana College Mathematics Club records
Augustana College Mortar Board records
Collection on Augustana College musical organizations
The Collection on Augustana Musical Organizations, 1873-1936, 1983-2001, contains information on several historic (now defunct) musical groups formed at Augustana College: Lusciniola Society, Chapel Choir, Lutherman Male Chorus, Augustana Male Quartet, and Koto Ensemble. Materials include constitutions, minutes and other official records, programs, photographs, and ephemera.
Augustana College Office of Academic Affairs records
Augustana College Office of Admissions records
The Office of Admissions is responsible for advertising Augustana College to prospective students and welcoming prospective students to the campus, accepting applications and application materials, and keeping students informed of their admission status and events on campus. This collection comprises publicity and promotional brochures for the college and individual departments.
Augustana College Office of Alumni Relations records
This office is in charge of the Alumni Association office at Augustana College. They plan events involving alumni, and answer questions relating to alumni affairs, as well as queries from alumni. The collection consists of alumni reunion directories, Homecoming planning materials, class newsletters, alumni fund reports, alumni board minutes and correspondence, information on class reunions, and a time capsule.
Collection of Augustana College Office of Campus Ministries records
Augustana College Office of Communication and Marketing records
Augustana College Office of Cultural Events records
The Augustana College Office of Cultural Events was responsible for planning and scheduling events on campus, especially those related to music and theater. While mostly organizing events for students and faculty, the Office of Cultural Events also helped organize events for visiting performers. Materials in this collection include newsletters, posters, flyers, news clippings, and programs.